Kuwait: The Quest for Diversity
eninsula Press is proud to present a series of interviews with Kuwait’s most important business, political and civic leaders. The interviews complement the recent special report published with Foreign Policy magazine, entitled “Kuwait: The Quest for Diversity”, and set the scene for a major Investment Outreach forum in London on November 3.
A global hub with Kuwaiti identity and attraction
Kuwait is one of the world’s leading oil producers and has enjoyed massive oil revenues for so long that there was great temptation to avoid preparing for the future. Wells will not run dry for many years, but already the International Monetary Fund has warned that government spending could soon exceed oil revenues. Today, however, Kuwaiti leaders – and in particular younger leaders – see other Arabian Gulf neighbors forging ahead by investing in logistics and other value-added services. So Kuwait, a constitutional monarchy with an elected parliament, is accepting the challenge, seeking to regain the regional leadership status it has traditionally enjoyed. The country is investing more than US$100 billion to move towards a broader, more diversified economy, with much more space for the private sector. In the process, it is remembering its roots as a Gulf Region trading center.
The flip side of crisis can be opportunity
Changes that may seem difficult when times are easy—for example, phasing out billions of dollars of subsidies—can achieve a consensus when the going gets tough. Like the special report The Quest for Diversity click here to download, the Investment Outreach forum in London will focus on Kuwait’s strategic decision to diversify its economy, creating jobs, wealth and opportunities in non-oil sectors such as education, ITC, medical care, financial services, commerce and travel. Plans now under way will greatly improve infrastructure, helping to build a broader and more efficient economy with much more space for the private sector. This will create new opportunities for both Kuwaiti and international investors.
The Investment Outreach forum
This closed-door event takes place on November 3, 2015, in London’s Grosvenor House. You will have a unique opportunity to meet face-to-face with key players in the Kuwaiti public and private sectors. For more information please visit www.kuwaitinvestmentoutreach.com.
The Kuwait Investment Outreach forum has been organized by Peninsula Press, an international communications company that specializes in producing integrated global campaigns for investment promotion, with the support from leaders of the Kuwaiti public and private sectors. For more information about Peninsula Press please visit www.peninsula-press.com.